Sunday, June 22, 2014

email to Robert Wilonsky

Michael Pickens

May 24
to Robert
There's no extortion claim, extortion is a criminal term - boone's extortion/death threat, "drama offense", began after he sued me, anonymously, and was then outed by James Osborne - boone's "plan" was to silence me with the initial TRO, then a permanent injunction, case closed, in his dreams.

We got the TRO thrown out, at the 1st hearing, and then just kept whipping them in court, because they had nothing.

We were ordered to mediation, last summer - as expected, boone showed up "in bad faith" with a 20ish page offer in hand, to "buy mike's life story" - there was no negotiating - the mediator was stumped, we packed up & left before noon - we were told it was boone we'd heard, yelling/screaming, as we walked to the elevator. They worked at getting us back to the table, late into the next day, I was done though - we filed the appeal.

I'm not broke, drunk or mentally ill, as boone's lied in his various pleadings/press releases/statements. I'll be sober 8 years on June 12, 2014, and am successful in all areas of my life. 

Donna & I have been married for 28 years. We moved into our new home, here in Ardmore, last November. I'm again active in the community, including the local AA/recovery community. I've been an actively practicing, certified ARISE Interventionist, since July 2010 & have now worked with 33 families.

I have an older sister, Deborah, who refused to join boone's lawsuit because boone has no financial power over her - the others are on boone's carefully dolled out payroll, waiting quietly/patiently for him to die:
Pam is a thrice divorced mother of 3, currently "dating" a married father (this "man" works for boone) of 2 children. My brother Tom was chased out of South Carolina, by an investor group he stiffed several years ago, to Texas - he's had more financial/regulatory/other problems here (Tom & Boone hadn't spoken for 20+ years until just before this lawsuit). Boone's been paying my step-sister Elizabeth's (boone married her mother when I was 18 - she knows nothing of my childhood) family expenses for several years - long enough that boone recently required Elizabeth take the home out of her husbands name.

my blog is not "defunct", it's just not "public" - I've written 250+ stories, all of which are on the blog, all true, in my own words, just like my life story - I direct my intervention/sober transport/sober companion clients to the blog when appropriate, just as I did before the lawsuit.

Direct quote from Deborah to my wife Donna, last fall, "everything on mike's blog is true but he's disowned now"

There's no way boone goes forward with this lawsuit - he's spent most of his life spinning the persona now visible on various websites & in all those pathetic, meticulously hatched, puff pieces ("T Boone Reborn" being the most recent).

My courtroom defense is simple - the truth, revealed through witness testimony, in an open court of law, and boone would never allow this, much less push for it.


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