3 years ago I was in Del Mar, California with boone, inc.,
where his most recent wife lived in the $35mm home she bought with proceeds
from her sale of a portion of the Clean Energy Fuels (CLNE - Nasdaq) common
stock boone was required to give her, prior to their marriage.
This, a union of two "people", both of whom I
would categorize as insanely delusional, entitled and omnipotent, along with
being grossly immature. A marriage that
ended up looking like precisely what it was; a structured, contract based
relationship; one where she was required to spend a certain amount of time with
him, per week, attending x-number of social functions, etc.
She had this new place, 3 hours from Dallas, where she was
picked up and delivered, via private jet, several times per week. She wanted nothing to do with Dallas.
There's no way this woman would ever get on a commercial
jet, voluntarily. I've seen her get off an elevator because of who'd just got
During the trip to Del Mar, I saw/heard her walk into the
Pamplemousse Grille one evening, loudly making the pronouncement that,
"I've never seen so many ugly people in one room before."
What was that ?
I was shocked, did I hear her correctly ? Was it a joke I
was not in on ?
I'd just lived 709 days in hard core drug rehab, with people
who'd become my best friends, incredibly wonderful people from all walks of
life; people whom I loved for who they were, had been and were to be. We were
all about truth, nothing hidden from each other, ever, truth always, because it
was the only, the beautiful, the real.
And now, I'm forced to see and hear this.
Why ?
Pitiful, hollow, a waste of time, in this, our lives of
precious time.
I kept my eyes open.
I'm to stay at the home of wifey's twin sister - I'm barely
a living creature in social status & of course, net worth($), barely above
a rat or a possum, so there's no hotel room for me.
I'm there to drive Mr Big around; so he never, ever misses a
meal, receiving, swallowing and then processing his constant/random abuse,
including having to listen to his non-stop:
boring natural gas bullshit, ad nauseam
same worn out resentments about the previous 4 wives who
victimized him
current resentments/complaints about the new wife who's
fucking with him
complaints/resentments regarding his "friends";
most of whom are dead & were not his friends, and how they fucked him
resentments/complaints about my siblings, their spouses and
their children & how they've screwed him/are currently fucking with him
blah, blah, blah - you are so boring so shut up, quit
whining, you're a friggin sissygirl put on a dress!
A few days later, during a CLNE/Nat Gas Act schmoozing
session with Indiana Congressman Dan Burton, who's sitting directly to my
right, the twin sister dumps her entire LARGE glass of red wine all over me and
Dan - he's so drunk he never knows, even when I'm soaking the wine off the left
arm of his jacket.
I'm wet, I leave.
Sister gets drunker, coming home where I'm working at a
computer desk, and hugs my head with her huge fake titties enveloping my little
bean head, knocking my glasses to the floor, telling me she loves me. I have no
idea what she was up to, probably nothing, but you know me, I thought it was
funny, especially when I re-enacted it, showing how my glasses were knocked
So, it's a funny story, that's it.
When I get home, I tell my wife - she laughs.
She tells my sister-in-law, who laughs.
Sister-in-law tells my sister :
Pamagraph tells boone's wife, who's scared shitless the
world will actually care when this scandal gets out, then,
Booneygirl summons me to his office & tells me that this
incident has "caused me all kinds of problems"
I've heard this before: "caused me all kinds of
problems", many, many times over the decades, never knowing what was
behind it, scared to ask.
I'm curious now, so I ask him, "what kind of problems
has it caused you?"
He scoffs; he cannot tell me, but I now know, intuitively.
It's that this, my father's 5th marriage, is crumbling; they
fight like children and then his wife, this plasticized $35+mm prostitute,
throws this story in his face as if it's my fault & his responsibility,
every-time they spar, which, if this marriage is anything like the previous
Of course, this sissy buys it and wears it like any expert
victim would, because now, he's got another resentment, and it's on me, the bad
little boone & his favorite target.
It gets worse after this, as if he now has carte blanche to
call me on the carpet, whenever he finds himself in his head going nuts,
desperately needing a distraction, which looks like about 24/7 from where I'm
So, it becomes very clear to me that this nut-job thinks I'm
the same guy he's abused, unabatedly, for the last 84 years.
I'm no longer that guy, hello !
Of course, a few days later, I get the email from (yawn)
another paid enabling shill, Sally Geymuller, instructing me to show up for
breakfast at, yes again, the friggin Park Cities Hilton.
I go to this ridiculous breakfast (I know, I'm an idiot)
where he's got his barely paid, ass kissing, always on retainer, booze/food/sex
addict divorce attorney with him.
And, he's got a list of complaints:
the drunk sister event, which he has now determined is a
lie, and just cannot quit obsessing over
I told Pamagraph that I liked my job because it was close to
the driving range & I could go hit a bucket of balls instead of going to
lunch - he says a "man" does not tell people these things
I took a second job, on the side - someone told him about
this and this is not acceptable.
I should not be telling people I'm broke & need 2 jobs,
which I tell people, because it's the truth
blah, blah, blah, some other bullshit I cannot remember
because only a sissy like this clown could come up with such lame crap
I say nothing because it is nothing.
Bizarrely obese Attorney says, "Mike, do you have a
response?" he's mediating the breakfast !
I say, "no response to the list of ridiculous
complaints, but I've got a comment on why I think we're really here:
this, your 5th marriage is in trouble, again, as usual
you're 84 years old & scared of dying because you have
no faith in God because you think you're God
you've lost all your money and your investors money, again,
gambling in the markets, again
and, from where I'm sitting, your plate looks pretty full,
so mind your own business, you've got plenty to do, if you've got the balls to
do it, because you're running out of time."
He can't talk he's so incensed. His face is bizarrely
scrunched up; he's totally out of control, mumbling "I never expected this
meeting to turn out like this", but it's difficult to make out what he's
saying because he's so enraged.
No peace, no joy; just blame, resentments, criticism,
I say, "look at you, no wonder you don't sleep, you're
out of control, you are a complete mess"
Fatso grovels, "Mike, we're not here to talk about
Boone's sleeping problem."
And this fuckwad attorney, who's been enabling, cosigning
& otherwise blessing my father's bullshit for 25 years, so he can marry,
divorce, marry, divorce, etc., collecting millions in fees each time they bring
another mess to an expensive, in more ways than one, end.
Whatever, That's it. Meeting over. I get up and leave, I'm
done. What a pussy. What a joke. What a lie.
Then it hits me. This is who this guy has been, all my life.
He's come nowhere in 8 decades.
No Where.
He's a 12 year old bully, on his playground, just like my
LPC sister has been saying for the last 30 years.
This completely powerless mess of a human, lives to exert
whatever power he can, over others, in an effort to feel powerful.
Good luck loseWhen I was a kid, I'd roll my eyes at his crap; he'd get so
pissed, dragging me to his closet, whipping me with his favorite belt.
After he'd left the house, I'd go back in his closet and
piss in the corner.
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